Strawberry Jelly has been one of my favorite condiments . The only part which I did not like about it was the high sugar content and less friendly macros .
That’s why I decided to make my own jelly with simple and accessible ingredients which fit most types of diets.
This is the most important part of your Jelly ! Very ripe strawberries works the best because of its natural sweetness and softness.
I picked my strawberries at local Strawberry Picking Farm .
Serving : 2 Tbsp (30g)
Calories: 20 cal | Carbohydrates: 5g | Protein: 0.5g | Fat: 0.4g | Sugar: 3g |
Yields : 2 Medium Jars
4 Cups (30 oz) Strawberries
1/4 Cup Water
2 Tbsp Lemon Juice
2 Tbsp Ground Chia Seeds
3/4 Cup Powdered Stevia

Directions :
1. Cut off all Strawberry leaves and chop strawberries into 4 pieces.

2. Add Strawberries , water and lemon juice into sauce pan and Bring to the boil , then turn down the heat medium and let it boil for additional 15 minutes.

3. Mash the strawberries with a potato masher and continue to cook on low-medium for 30 minutes until reduced by half stirring regularly to prevent burning .
4. After 30 minutes of cooking , add chia seeds and stevia . Mix through well to prevent chunks from chia seeds.

5. Portion into jars - fill them all the way . Refrigerate up to 4 weeks.

Making Homemade Strawberry Jelly is easier than you think! This recipe is very clean and tasty , You can serve it on toast or in your oatmeal without sacrificing your daily calories and added sugars ! :)